WASH Program
Access to safe water and sanitation is always a major issue in Somalia. This means that, thousands of children and families doesn’t have access to clean water, handwashing facilities, and other sanitary materials that important to improve personal hygiene. Living in a safe environment with access to water, basic toilets is a dream to every family who is currently experiencing water inaccessibility.
Without access to clean water, individuals are prone to diseases and health hazards that can be danger. Through the Integrated WASH Program, communities are given physical access to a water supply that can provide them safe, clean and potable water for drinking, bathing, cooking and other everyday use.
When safe water in not available, it has a bad consequences which can be deadly. In Somalia, many children died due to diarrheal diseases which resulted by lack of WASH services. In efforts to improve WASH services in Somalia, SOYVDA’s main objective of its WASH program is:-
- To promote hygiene promotion and community mobilization to encourage safe hygiene practice and health seeking behaviors
- Providing latrines and maintaining or repairing them to ensure that everyone have a basic toilets.
- Providing trainings to local community leaders, local authority on how to mobilize communities who are at risk and promote safe water handling and critical times of handwashing.
- Supplying safe water to the marginalized and less fortunate families who can afford or have it.